Nick Valensi plays on two new Brody Dalle tracks

by Eric Van Dril · 48 comments

4a1bad4ca00d11e2bbed22000a9e28b0_6A new solo album from Brody Dalle, the former lead singers of The Distillers and wife of QOTSA’s Josh Homme, is scheduled to be released on April 28. Nick Valensi plays guitar on two of the songs, and Dalle talked about his contributions in a recent interview.

How much of your work with The Strokes’ Nicholas Valensi made it onto the record?
Nick is on ‘Rat Race’ and another one called ‘Blood In Gutters’. He played a little bit on there. He is just such a classy guitar player and he writers really interesting riffs – just super melodic and interesting. I kind of hit a wall with ‘Rat Race’ where I was adding and adding and it wasn’t changing so I thought, “I just need someone to come in and play something on here”. So I got him to come in.

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