Julian Casablancas Interviews The Doors

by Eric Van Dril on January 20, 2012 · 21 comments

in Julian Casablancas

How are The Strokes spending their time between Angles and the making, and release, of Strokes V*?

(* = The Strokes haven’t started recording the follow-up to Angles, by the way. Nikolai just talked about it in a .)

Well, Fab is reportedly dating Kristen Wiig, Albert is scuba diving, Nick is raising his kids in LA, and Nikolai has released a Beatles cover.

That leaves Julian, who recently interviewed the remaining members of The Doors for Complex magazine. Before the interview, Julian wrote a four-paragraph introduction, which included the following:

If I had to describe my interview style I’d say it’s Chris Farley-like—basically over-excited to hear them talk about anything. I was very nervous before getting on the phone and sincerely hoped they would like me as an interviewer. When it started out a bit rocky (there were audio issues with the phone) I was quietly mortified for a minute, but in the end it was thrilling to get to speak directly with such legends.

What a fangirl. Click here for the rest of the interview.

(thanks to the modern age for the link.)

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